Senin, 25 November 2019

 Right now i will give you example how to improve your reading skill
this text i get froim my books debate base books. and the questiuons i made based on i understand about that book.

Cencorship By State

Freedom of speech is never an absolute right but an aspiration. It ceases to be a right
when it causes harm to something we all recognise the value of;for example, legislating against
incitement to racial hatred.Therefore, it is not the case that censorship is wrong in principle.
Certain types of literature or visual image have been conclusively linked to crime.
Excessive sex and violence in film and television have been shown (especially in studies in the
USA) to contribute to a tendency towards similar behaviour in spectators. There is a direct causal
link between such images and physical harm.
Censorship acts to preserve free speech, but puts it on a level playing field.Those who
argue for unregulated speech miss the point that it is not only state imposition that can silence
minorities, but also their social denigration by racists,sexists,homophobes or other bigots.So it
may be necessary,for instance,to outlaw racial epithets in order to ensure that black people are
treated fairly in the public space and so have a chance to express their views.
By censoring speech,we are able to stop new recruits being drawn over to the ‘dark side’
of racist or discriminatory groups. While it may ‘drive them underground’, that is where we want
them; in that way, they are unable to get new followers, so their pernicious views cannot
spread.This may entrench the views of some,but they were unlikely to be convinced anyway.So
outright bans are a better approach.

Source: learningenglish

I. Vocabulary:
1. Ceases : Berhenti
2. Incitement : Dorongan
3. Tendency : Panutan
4. Towards : Terhadap
5. Preserves : Pemeliharaan
6. Bigots :Kelainan
7. Epithets : Julukan
8. Pernicious : Keburukan
9. Enterench : Kedatangan
10. Convinced : Meyakinkan

11. Outright : Ikhlas
12. Approach : Pendekatan

II. Important informations

Paragraph 1 Freedom of speech is never an absolute

right but an aspiration

Paragraph 2 Certain types of literature or visual
image have been conclusively linked to

Paragraph 3 Censorship acts to preserve free speech,
but puts it on a level playing field
Paragraph 4 Outright bans are a better approach.

III. Question and key answer
1. Do the cencorship by state is good for us?
Yes, because it would away us from hated speech and judge each other.
2. Have the author giving solutions to the peole like doing hated speech?
No, the authors only tell about why we need cencorship by state
3. Would the authors stop hated speech by cencorships?
Yes because cencorships by state is good to safe us from bad things, because freedom of speech is
never absolute right.
4. Should we away from cencorship?
Yes because we have manythind we want to do
5. What is the cencorsip by state?
Its an control of government to ban hated speech
6. Who can save us from uncencorship?
This state control us from hated speech, minority, racialsm by cencorship.
7. Where the cencorship by this government?
All part of us and controlling by this state or our government.
8. When the cencorships act preserve free speech
The cencorships preserve from free speech but its on a level playing field
9. Why we need the cencorships?
Because we want to save our selves from free speech and this is the prof this government want to
safe their civilizations.
10. How can we keep ourselves from free speech?
Cencorships by government and it’s the good way to outright bans are a better approach.

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